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Our platform is built around acoustic tweezing technology that enables quantitative viscoelastic and optical measurements of a sample with high accuracy and repeatability. This non-contact technology is nondetrimental to the sample structure and avoids premature or improper clotting due to surface contamination for higher reliability.


Key Benefits

Non-contact assessment

Coagulation measurements are performed without any surfaces contacting the sample, avoiding contamination and tainted results.

Small sample volume

Only one drop of blood (< 6 µL) is needed for testing. 60x less than competing solutions.

Comprehensive testing

Plasma and blood assays with the ability to monitor viscoelasticity, PT, aPTT, thrombin generation and platelet function simultaneously.

Fast results

Tests are completed within 10 minutes.

Patents and Publications


  • PCT/US2014/55559: “Apparatus, Systems & Methods for Non-Contact Rheological Measurements of Biological Materials” (approved).  

  • PCT/US2018/014879: “Integrative Photo-Optical/Mechanical Test for Noncontact Measurement of Polymerization” (approved).

  • PCT/US2021/15336: “Apparatus, Systems And Methods For In Vitro Screening Of Complex Biological Fluids” (pending)



  • Kasireddy, N., Luo, D., &amp; Khismatullin, D. B. (2023). "Whole blood PT/APTT assay based on non-contact drop-of-sample acoustic tweezing spectroscopy." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Online Only). 10.1007/s00216-023-05052-4.

  • Kasireddy, Nithya, Jeremy C. Orie, and Damir B. Khismatullin (2022). "Drop-of-sample rheometry of biological fluids by noncontact acoustic tweezing spectroscopy." Lab on a Chip 22.16: 3067-3079.

  • Luo, D., Chelales, E. M., Beard, M. M., Kasireddy, N., & Khismatullin, D. B. (2021). Drop-of-blood acoustic tweezing technique for integrative turbidimetric and elastometric measurement of blood coagulation. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, 413(12), 3369-3379.

  • Ansari Hosseinzadeh, Vahideh, et al (2019). "Monitoring of blood coagulation with non‐contact drop oscillation rheometry." Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 17.8: 1345-1353.

  • Ansari Hosseinzadeh, V., Brugnara, C. & Holt, R. G. (2018). Shape oscillations of single blood drops: applications to human blood and sickle cell disease. Scientific Reports, SREP-18-14668.

  • Holt, R. G., Luo, D., Gruver, N., & Khismatullin, D. B. (2017). Quasi‐static acoustic tweezing thromboelastometry. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 15(7), 1453-1462. 

  • Ansari Hosseinzadeh, V., & Holt, R. G. (2017). Finite amplitude effects on drop levitation for material properties measurement. Journal of Applied Physics, 121(17), 174502

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